Andrea Bath AKA #YouthPilgrim
Growing old is a privilege denied to many and not to be taken for granted and I am thankful every day when I wake in the morning with a piglet snort, a walrus yawn and a Usain Bolt sprint to the loo, hoping my bladder will hold tight till I reach it!
"GROWING" old is very different to "LOOKING" old and "ACTING" old. I don't like it! And it has become not only a global yearning and obsession to find the fountain of youth that many of us took for granted all those years ago and so many of us "youth pilgrims" search for every single day.
Navigating our way around the many lotions, potions, procedures, pills, injections, surgeries, appliances, and generally trying ANYTHING looking for that holy grail of youth.......
My blog page will take a satirical look at the rights, wrongs and the "what the flip were you thinking?" search for the fountain of youth. There will be a mix of funny, factual, helpful, sad and ironic articles of information, products, services and experiences I have had as a woman, mother, wife, nurse and owner of a private aesthetics clinic in the North East of England.
I will also publish the latest clinic newsletters and updates here too. So sit back and read on...